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Fake News | By Chad Grover-Pratt | | 4 min read

In the annals of human history, there was a day that shall forever linger in the darkest corridors of memory. It was a day when the digital tapestry of our existence, the Internet, unraveled with an unsettling finality. As the sun rose on that fateful morning, it cast its golden rays upon a world that was about to plunge into a chilling abyss.

The Day Everything Changed 🔗

The world awoke, its restless masses reaching for the familiar embrace of their smartphones and computers. Yet, as their fingers danced across lifeless screens and eyes met with unyielding darkness, a chilling realization swept through humanity like an icy breeze. The Internet, that ever-present sentinel of our interconnected lives, had vanished into the void.

Panic, like a plague, spread with a swiftness that no cat video or viral meme could ever match. Was it a global cyberattack, a cosmic conspiracy, or something even more sinister? As questions multiplied, answers dwindled, and a profound sense of dread settled upon the world.

The Unraveling 🔗

The days that followed were a descent into chaos. Workplaces ground to a halt, stock markets plummeted, and the world's intricate web of communication collapsed like a house of cards. The veneer of civilization, it seemed, was paper-thin.

The Decline 🔗

With the Internet's demise, society began to fray at the edges. Food deliveries ceased, hospitals teetered on the brink of collapse, and reliable information became a scarce commodity. Riots erupted as desperate souls vied for the remnants of a world that was slipping through their fingers. Governments, once powerful, now seemed powerless.

The Unplugged Society 🔗

But as the weeks turned into months, a curious transformation took hold. Humanity, adaptable as ever, began to find a new rhythm in this disconnected world. With the ceaseless tide of information stilled, attention spans grew longer, and people began to see the world in a different light. The natural world, so long overshadowed by screens and status updates, revealed its splendor.

Yet, as we reconnected with the real world, something peculiar began to happen. A reverse evolution, if you will. We shed the technological trappings of our era. The intricacies of coding, the wonders of the virtual realm, all faded into oblivion. Language simplified, and our once-mighty minds grew quieter.

Reversal of Evolution 🔗

Generations passed, and our dependence on technology faded into obscurity. We reverted to a more primal state, forging bonds with the land and forming small, close-knit communities. The stories of our digital past became legends, recounted around campfires under starlit skies. We evolved, but not in the direction one might expect. We lost the art of technology, our ability to build, and our knowledge of the world beyond our immediate surroundings.

The End of an Era 🔗

Today, I write these words by the soft glow of a candle, aware that they may never be read. The world I inhabit is a far cry from the bustling digital realm that once defined us. We are creatures of instinct, living in harmony with the land, our minds untethered from the digital distractions that once consumed us.

In the end, the Internet, which had been both a boon and a bane, had crumbled the foundations of our civilization. As I look back upon the course of history, I offer this tale as a somber reminder of what could befall us. Our dependence on the digital age was a double-edged sword, granting us unparalleled knowledge and power but always carrying the potential to unravel us entirely.

As you navigate your own digital world today, dear reader, may you heed the cautionary tale of the day the Internet broke, and may you cherish the era in which you live. For who can predict the mysteries of the future, and what might befall humanity next in this ever-unfolding narrative of existence?

Stay safe out there, and treasure the digital age while it lasts. The echoes of our digital past may yet whisper in the winds of time, a testament to what once was.

Note: This narrative is a work of fiction and not a prediction of future events. It is intended for storytelling purposes and to evoke a sense of introspection about our relationship with technology.

zombies typing on a 90s windows computer, 90s horror film still, Hasselblad --ar 3:2